8 New Predefined Registration Questions

Our latest update allows you to add new predefined registration questions such as “school name” or “current grade” when creating a registration form. No need to spend time adding these as custom questions anymore!

You can always report on answers to these questions or view player responses when building teams at a later time. We actually recommend that you use these predefined questions over custom questions because they will speed up your team-building process.

8 new predefined questions

8 New Predefined Questions:

  1. New or Returning?

  2. School Name?

  3. Current Grade?

  4. Rising Grade?

  5. Teammate Request (Not Guaranteed)?

  6. Coach Request (Not Guaranteed)?

  7. Previous Coach?

  8. Years of Experience?
Since the release of our Registration Wizard, we’ve been continually working to make our system even more user friendly. We know administrators are some of the busiest superheroes on the planet and we hope this update helps you create registration forms faster than lightning!For more information on our Registration Wizard, please browse our Corporate Site or check out our 24/7 Support Site.As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of our friendly Support Ninjas: support.bluesombrero.com

Patrick Carver