June 2018 Product Updates and Enhancements

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Every month we strive to reach a goal of pushing new customer-facing enhancements to better our user experience. Here’s a quick update on the exciting things that our team has been working on through the month of June!

What’s new with Team Sports HQ?

Registration Updates


Registration Listing Module Countdown Clock

Administrators can now use our Registration Listing website module to tease upcoming programs before they are open to register. If a program has a future registration open date, a countdown clock will tick down and then turn into a ‘Register Now’ button when families are able to sign up. Once the program is open, the registration listing will display the season dates (start date and end date).


 Communication Updates


New Email Group Helps Retain Players!

We recently added a series of reports to help address player retention, including the Inactive Participants Report. This month, a new email group, “All Inactive Participants”, has been added to help administrators take action and communicate to players who have participated in the past, but are not signed up for any current activities.

The goal of this report and email group is to identify players who may be slipping away from an organization and help administrators attempt to retain them. Communicating open registrations or upcoming activities to these players can keep them involved before they drop out of a sport or go to another neighboring organization.

Edit Custom Email Groups

Creating custom email groups allows administrators to combine multiple pre-created email buckets into one list, or to add individual email addresses to a list such as email subscribers, board members, or extended family. Once a custom email group is created, administrators can now edit and remove recipients from a list. This way, if a recipient was added to a group by mistake or no longer wants to receive emails, there is no need to start over and create a whole new group.

Simply select the custom group and click the “View/Remove Members” option that appears next to the group name.

 Order Management Updates

Bulk Transfer Players into a Payment Plan

Bulk Transfer saves lots of time when large groups of players need to be moved into another program or division. If an administrator initiates a bulk transfer into a program that supports payment plans, each player included in the transfer can be opted into one of these installment plans. Whether you are transferring one player or one hundred players, we want everyone to benefit from the convenience of spreading out costs via our Automated Payment Plans.


 Schedule Updates


Archive Schedules

Once all events from a game or practice schedule are completed, administrators will want to remove this schedule from being visible. However, deleting the schedule entirely will remove all historical data related to those events, such as scores, standings, and match-ups. A new option to Archive Schedules is now available for this purpose.

Archived schedules will be hidden from view, but the history of those events will be maintained. To view data associated with these archived schedules, navigate to the Archived Schedules page to unarchive or delete these schedules.

Additional Recipients for Schedule Notifications

Administrators can now add additional recipients to a schedule so that they can receive schedule notifications. This may include referees, additional team personnel, extended family, or anyone that may need to be included on event updates, cancellations, reschedules, or postponements. During Step 1 of creating a schedule, add email addresses into the new Additional Recipients text box, with multiple email addresses being separated by a semi-colon (;).

When our customers want something, we listen. Our team wants to hear from you, so we can help provide the best user experience in the industry. If you ever have an idea on where we could improve, you can always submit an enhancement request. We appreciate all feedback!


Ben Wineski